Co-Presenters & Co-Conspirers

The Ritual of Breath project encompasses the notion of “art as a tool”, going beyond traditional presentation to create unity and a sense of healing—making, using and embodying art. The Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth College continues to seek co-producers to come on board to help further the evolution of the work.

  • A series of workshops developed for Dartmouth and an accredited course at Harvard has been taught by the Co-Social Impact Director for the project, Dr. Shamell Bell—the educational curriculum and Social Impact Toolkit to come out of this will be made available to co-commissioners/co-producers.

  • This community rituals website, along with videos and templated communication materials, can be leveraged to reflect and adapt to how the work is engaging your community.

Seized the mind and heart with a keenly made and resonant fusion of music, text, movement, and design
— San Francisco Classical Voice
Moments of glowing illumination
— San Francisco Classical Voice
Bickersteth’s heroic and transporting performance deserves praise without measure
— San Francisco Classical Voice

Contact Info

For more information, or to discuss partnership, please contact: Kim Whitener, Hopkins Center Creative Producer